New website for HIV patients on HAART

The South African Sexual Health Association helpline  0860 100 262 (Mon - Fri 8 - 5)

Positive Muslims
An Awareness-Raising & Support Group for HIV+ Muslims, founded with the support of the Muslim Youth Movement in June 2000. We are committed to raising awareness about Aids and offering support to Muslims living with HIV/AIDS. Read more

Abdul Kayum Ahmed (Convenor) Cell phone : +27 (0)82 400 2192
E-mail :
Fahmeeda Miller (Deputy Convenor) Telephone : +27 (0)21 953 0308 Cell phone : +27 (0)82 594 4354
E-mail :

Jong Dames Dinamiek
Nationwide organisation for Afrikaans women under the age of 40 which does excellent work establishing rape clincs, trauma centres and providing rape care kits.
Contact president Elsje Buchner,

AIDS Helpline 0800 012 322.
Free, confidential counselling, information and referrals to all those affected by and infected with HIV/AIDS.

Stop Women Abuse
Helpline 0800 150 150.
Crisis intervention counselling for women who have been raped or abused;
information and support to people wanting to support women in need of help;
accurate information on legal and other options available to help abused women and rape survivors;
referral to support services and assistance at the community level.

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