One in two SA women will be raped (Unisa, 1999).

One in four girl children and one in five boy children will be sexually molested (Childline, 1999).

The rape graph rises steeply at age 11, and peaks from ages 13 to 25 (Unisa, 1999)

The highest incidence of HIV is in girls aged 15 to 25 (Deparment of Health, 1999)

Rapists and paedophiles are serial offenders, studies from around the world have shown they cannot be rehabilitated. At some stage most will kill. In SA, NICRO attempted rehabilitation, but says that although they have success for a time, "at some stage they rape again." Childline in KwaZulu Natal say they have had some success primarily with fathers in families.

The SA Law Commission in mid-September noted police estimates that only one in 35 rapes are reported; using this rule the SALC concluded that in 1998 there were 1 636 810 rapes in SA. Using the lowest estimate, that of NICRO that one in 20 rapes are reported, in 1998 there would have been 934 960 rapes. Interpol says, "South Africa remains in an 'undisputed first place' as far as reported cases of rape are concerned."

Last year only seven percent of the rapes reported (around 4 000 rapes) were prosecuted (Department of Justice, 1999).

75% of rapes are gang rapes, a woman or child is more likely to be raped by 3 to 30 perpetrators in SA than by single person, however, the rapist who acts alone is more likely to kill.(Groote Schuur, various district surgeons offices, rape clinics and police figures)

60% of rapes take place in the home (Unisa, 1999).

85% of rapists are armed, usually with a knife (Unisa, 1999).

Rape clinics are reporting that one in three women are already infected with HIV on the day they are raped (Sunninghill Clinic, 1999).

There has not been a single report of an HIV negative woman or child becoming sero-positive after going onto antiretrovirals for the 28 days after a rape. However, about a third of those who do not receive these drugs become HIV+ (HIV and rape researchers, various, 1999).

Johannesburg hospital reports that 40% of males in the 20 - 29 age group - the age group most likely to rape, are HIV+. (Johannesburg hospital, 1999)  

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