Gender & Media in Southern Africa

* Women constitute 17% of news sources in the southern Africa media.

* Women constitute 52% of the population in southern Africa.

* Across the region women constituted a high of 26% of news sources in Angola and a low of 11% in Malawi.

* The only occupational categories in which female views dominate are beauty contestants, sex workers and home-makers.

* Gender specific news items accounted for 2% of the total - 50% of these relate to gender violence.

* There is a positive correlation between women journalists and women sources suggesting that more women journalists would increase women's voice in the media...

Women and HIV/AIDS
* 19.2 million women aged 15-49 years were living with HIV/AIDS as of Dec 2002.
* 2 million women were newly infected with HIV in 2002.
* 2.5 million of the 200 million women who become pregnant each year are HIV positive.
* Approx 19 million unsafe abortions take place each year, most of them in developing countries.
* 4.2 million unsafe abortions take place in Africa each year.
* 10.5 million unsafe abortions take place in Asia each year...

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